William Li

William Li, MD

36 Interviews

William Li's Interviews

In today’s episode, you’ll learn a renowned doctor’s protocol to prevent disease, heal your body, burn fat, and feel better now. You’ll get the exact steps to optimize your health, the 5 foods you should be eating every week, and the 3 foods you’ll never eat again after you listen to this episode. Joining Mel today is

93 min
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In today's episode, we're diving deep into the fascinating intersection of longevity and nutrition with our special guest, Dr. William Li. As a physician, scientist, and New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Li has dedicated his career to exploring the concept of food as medicine.  He's renowned for his books "Eat to

54 min
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Dr. William Li is an internationally renowned physician, scientist and author of the books "Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself" and "Eat to Beat Your Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer.” Today on the show we discuss: foods that can speed up fat loss, daily hacks for

52 min
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Jillian Michaels & William Li 08 Jan 2024 • EN

The Truth Behind Weight Gain, with Dr. William Li

Dr. William Li, physician, scientist and bestselling author of Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself and Eat to Beat Your Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer is on to explain why we gain weight and whether genetics play a role. What types of body fat are good, and which

78 min
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In this episode, Dr. Terry Wahls, Doug Evans, and Dr. William Li challenge conventional medical norms around the profound potential of nutrition. Learn how nourishing foods can harmonize the symphony of your body, reverse chronic conditions, and transform the healthcare paradigm. Plus, discover how you can grow many po

79 min
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Medicines help to treat illness within the body, but what if we replaced filling a prescription with filling our bags at the farmer’s market with foods that can heal our bodies from the inside out? Dr. William Li, world-renowned physician, scientist, TED speaker, and author of “Eat To Beat Disease," joins this episode

78 min
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Podcasts with William Li


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