Rangan Chatterjee

Rangan Chatterjee, MD

191 Interviews

Rangan Chatterjee's Interviews

Whether it’s on the political stage, in the world of celebrity, or across social media, the word narcissist is used a lot these days. The same goes for terms like ‘gaslighting’. But do we really understand what they mean? Is their increased use a good thing, shining a light on toxic behaviours to beware of? Or do we ri

113 min
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Stress is a main factor contributing to ill health, and Dr. Rangan Chatterjee believes that it’s the number-one cause of the illnesses he treats. In today's episode of ZOE Science & Nutrition, Rangan sheds light on the causes of stress, ranging from sleep deprivation and overwhelming workloads to a lack of quality time

60 min
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Jameela Jamil & Rangan Chatterjee 09 Jan 2024 • EN

Transforming Health with Dr. Rangan Chatterjee

This week, Jameela is joined by Dr Rangan Chatterjee (Feel Better, Live More podcast) and together they explore the power of reclaiming control over mental and physical health and how a 'food as medicine' approach can treat illness along with various other tools to revolutionize how you eat, sleep, move and relax. They

61 min
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Nihal Arthanayake & Rangan Chatterjee 04 Jan 2024 • EN

Dr Rangan Chatterjee

‘It’s about progress not perfection’ Dr Rangan Chatterjee talks to Nihal Arthanayale about keeping a journal, things to be grateful for, and how to make every day just a little bit better.

39 min
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In part 2, Dr Rangan explains how to pick 3 things you can do every week to live a happier life.  Dr Rangan and Dr Alex discuss the misconception of happiness, the 3 ingredients of core happiness and why happier people are ultimately healthier.  Plus, Dr Rangan explains the exercise that explores regrets of the dying a

16 min
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Kicking off 2024, Dr Rangan Chatterjee of the Feel Better, Live More podcast joins Dr Alex George for this motivating conversation.  Dr Rangan explains the 4 pillars of health in order to live a happy life, why you’re neglecting your weakest pillar and how to stop having an all or nothing mindset. Plus, Rangan explains

30 min
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Podcasts with Rangan Chatterjee


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