Serena Poon

Serena Poon, CN CHC CHN
9 Interviews

Serena Poon's Interviews

Serena Poon is a certified nutritionist, celebrity chef, and Reiki Master who introduced her method of functional and spiritual nutrition to the world through Culinary Alchemy. In this episode we explore longevity, lifespan, health span, and the philosophical questions surrounding the potential for immortality. Learn h

80 min
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This episode's going live a few days after a long weekend trip for me, full of gluttony and extravagant meals. I connected with nutritionist and chef Serena Poon to talk about what it really means to "detox" and how we can take care of our bodies after a less-than-nutritious week of indulging. We talk about the importa

36 min
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JJ Virgin & Serena Poon 09 Oct 2021 • EN

Nutritional Alchemy with Serena Poon

After both of her parents were diagnosed with cancer, Serena Poon found herself in the role of a very stressed caretaker who was spending most of the time caring for others and not enough time caring for herself. Her health began to decline rapidly. After a surprise surgery to remove inflamed tissue from her chest, whi

28 min
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Today"s guest, celebrity chef, Serena Poon started a movement called Culinary Alchemy, where she advocates for functional nutrition through the mindful combination of food and healing intuition. She is a trained chef, a Reiki master, and owns a thriving media platform where she highlights changemakers who make the worl

116 min
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Danica Patrick & Serena Poon 15 Jul 2021 • EN

Serena Poon

Serena Poon, CN, CHC, CHN combines her expertise as a celebrity chef, holistic nutritionist and Reiki Master to serve her A-list clientele (Kerry Washington is a client). Her passion for integrative health and holistic nutrition led her to create Culinary Alchemy®, a method of functional and spiritual nutrition that in

73 min
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Serena Poon, C.N., CHC: “When I create [food] lists for clients, it's more about where to eat from instead of what not to eat.”  Poon, a celebrity chef, certified nutritionist, and Reiki master, joins mbg co-CEO, Jason Wachob, to discuss the best foods to balance each of your energy centers, plus: *How to infuse love i

45 min
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Podcasts with Serena Poon


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