Seth Godin

Seth Godin
154 Interviews
Seth Godin The marketing guru and author of “Purple Cow”, “The Dip”, and “Linchpin” has been a fixture on the New York-centric marketplace of ideas for decades; he helped popularize terms such as “permission marketing” and “viral marketing.” Cows are not the only things Godin prefers in unusual colors: the famed marketer has a penchant for bright-colored suits and extravagant glass frames.

Seth Godin's Interviews

Industrial capitalism has treated workers like marionettes breaking down work into discreet, disconnected, repeatable actions. It loves uniformity and people who do what they"re told. Seth Godin’s new book, The Song of Significance,  challenges us to break free of these limiting mental models, many of which are still b

37 min
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#90 How can you transform your marketing approach to create meaningful connections and lasting impact? In this episode, Seth Godin shares his wisdom on redefining marketing, emphasizing the importance of empathy, understanding customer needs, and leveraging AI as a supportive tool. Erika Kullberg and Seth discuss the b

58 min
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This is episode rerun with Seth Godin from Episode 157 In a world that changes at blinding speed, the difference between success and failure is often a question of learning to adapt in a way that will serve your customers. What are some of the most important differences between marketing in the past and marketing in 20

41 min
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This episode is also available as  video on our channel  In this episode of the Whole Whale Podcast, host George Weiner sits down with Seth Godin, bestselling author, entrepreneur, and founder of, to discuss how nonprofits can innovate their fundraising strategies and engage donors

45 min
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Seth Godin 01 Feb 2024 • EN

CONSUMER to CREATOR ft. Seth Godin

Seth Godin is the author of 21 best-selling books, including: The Dip, Linchpin, Purple Cow, Tribes, This Is Marketing and most recently, Song of Significance. In this episode, we talk about: How to shift from a consumer to a creator One decision you can make to free up 100+ hours each month Two magical questions that

31 min
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Seth Godin is one of the most influential writers and thinkers of our time. He is the author of twenty-one international bestsellers, and his work has been translated into over thirty-nine languages. In this conversation with Seth, we discuss his latest books, The Song of Significance and The Practice, and how we might

59 min
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Podcasts with Seth Godin

The Moment with Brian Koppelman
The Duct Tape Marketing Podcast
The EntreLeadership Podcast
Behind the Brand with Bryan Elliott
The James Altucher Show
The Marie Forleo Podcast
Good Life Project
The Tim Ferriss Show
The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk
Ctrl Alt Delete
Business Made Simple with Donald Miller
The Unmistakable Creative Podcast
FranklinCovey On Leadership with Scott Miller
The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast
Into the Impossible With Brian Keating
Tom Bilyeu's Impact Theory
Design Matters with Debbie Millman
The Jordan Harbinger Show
A Bit of Optimism
Employee of the Month
Entrepreneurs on Fire
Coaching for Leaders
All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett
Punk CX with Adrian Swinscoe
On Being with Krista Tippett
Big Questions with Cal Fussman
Elevate with Robert Glazer
What's Next! with Tiffani Bova
The Alain Guillot Show
Live Inspired Podcast with John O'Leary
HerMoney with Jean Chatzky
The Danny Miranda Podcast
Unscripted with Spencer Lodge
The Faster Than Normal Podcast: ADD | ADHD | Health
Tropical MBA: Entrepreneurship & Founder Lifestyle
Abundant Ever After with Cathy Heller
Team Human
Compassionate Accountability Podcast
Six Pixels of Separation Podcast
Leadership, Brand Strategy & Transformation - Minter Dialogue
COFFEE CULTURE with Holly Shannon
Podcasting Made Simple
Future Squared with Steve Glaveski
HP Podcast Backlog 2
The Sales Evangelist
From Start-Up to Grown-Up
The Anthony Iannarino Show
The Chief Customer Officer Human Duct Tape Show
Business of Story
Success Story with Scott D. Clary
The Affiliate Guy with Matt McWilliams: Marketing Tips, Affiliate Management, & More
How to Be Awesome at Your Job
Disrupt Yourself Podcast with Whitney Johnson
The Nick Bare Podcast
Read to Lead Podcast
Brilliant Thoughts with Tristan Ahumada
Technovation with Peter High (CIO, CTO, CDO, CXO Interviews)
Best Of Belfast: Northern Ireland's #1 Interview Podcast
London Writers' Salon
Using the Whole Whale - A Nonprofit Podcast
Let's Talk Business
Work For Humans
Erika Taught Me
5 Questions With Dan Schawbel
The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish
The Innovation Show
Guy Kawasaki's Remarkable People
North Star Podcast
On Brand with Nick Westergaard
The Futur with Chris Do
Afford Anything
The School of Greatness
Smart People Podcast
The Rich Roll Podcast
Real Estate Espresso
The Melissa Ambrosini Show
Righteous Convictions with Jason Flom
A Productive Conversation
Earn Your Happy
Steal the Show with Michael Port
The Front Row Podcast for Entrepreneurs
3 Books With Neil Pasricha
Daily Creative with Todd Henry
Conversations with Tyler
Corporate Unplugged
Curious Minds at Work
FULL COMP: The Voice of the Restaurant Industry Revolution
Creative Pep Talk
The Foundr Podcast with Nathan Chan
Becoming Wise


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