UnF*ck Your Brain: Feminist Self-Help for Everyone

Updated: 25 Jul 2024 • 459 episodes

UnF*ck Your Brain: Feminist Self-Help for Everyone breaks down the centuries of sexist socialization that causes us to struggle with self-doubt, burnout, and anxiety. Hosted by Master Feminist Coach Kara Loewentheil, J.D., founder of The School of New Feminist Thought and author of Take Back Your Brain (Penguin 2024), each episode teaches you how to turn down the noise of societal expectations, turn up the volume on what YOU really want in life, and change your thinking to make sure you go get it. This podcast is an essential resource for anyone eager to embrace a life free from limiting beliefs and societal constraints. If you ever find yourself asking questions like… *Why am I so anxious about stuff that isn’t a big deal? *How can I stop overthinking everything? *Am I selfish for wanting my life to look different? *Will I ever feel comfortable in my body? *Am I a bad parent? *How can I ask for more money at work? *Can I stop people-pleasing? *How can my partner and I communicate better? … then you won’t want to miss an episode. Visit schoolofnewfeministthought.com to learn more about The School of New Feminist Thought and more.

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There's one big question most people brush up against when they start learning about thought work: "Is everything my fault? These are MY Thoughts, after all!" The answer isn't as simple as it may seem, and I'm showing you why this week. Join me for this Greatest Hits episode where you'll expand your understanding of th

21 min
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Are you waiting for something to magically change in your life? Or, would you rather take control and create the outcomes you want most? This week, I share four inspiring real-life stories from my students in The Feminist Self-Help Society. These women have embraced the tools and coaching offered within our community t

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Click here to join us in The Feminist Self-Help Society community and membership: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/the-society/

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What if I told you that facing emotional difficulty head-on -- instead of numbing out, hiding from it, or trying to "positive-think" your way out of it -- could lead to incredible growth and opportunities? In this Greatest Hits episode, we dive into the concept of self-development not being easy, but oh so worth it. Yo

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In celebration of Independence Day, I'm discussing one of the ultimate forms of independence - breaking free from caring about what others think. As social creatures, humans have evolved to rely on relationships for survival, making us sensitive to others' opinions. However, this conditioning is often even deeper for w

14 min
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Understanding what you want is key to creating a life you won’t regret when you die. So why do so many women struggle to pinpoint exactly what that is? If you can relate, in this Greatest Hits episode, I break exactly down what it means to want something (and why women especially might struggle to identify that), how t

21 min
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