The Alain Guillot Show
Show episodes
Jonathan Haskel; How to Fix the Intangible Economy
https://www.alainguillot.com/jonathan-haskel/ Jonathan Haskel is Professor of Economics at Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London and author of the book Restarting the Future: How to Fix the Intangible Economy
Sheru Aangrish, Mr. India; on Fitness and Entrepreneurship, how to be a winner
https://www.alainguillot.com/sheru-aangrish/ Sheru Aangrish, Mr. Indian, is an entrepreneur, IFBB Promoter, Actor, and Bodybuilder. We talk about how to have a winner's mindset.
https://www.alainguillot.com/ann-hood/ Ann Hood is a novelist and short story writer; her latest book is Fly Girl: A Memoir
Daisy Pitkin: A portrait of the American labor movement
https://www.alainguillot.com/daisy-pitkin/ Daisy Pitkin shows us A portrait of the American labor movement with her book On the Line: A Story of Class, Solidarity, and Two Women's Epic Fight to Build a Union. Get the book here: https://amzn.to/3yq5BHs
Matthew E. Kahn: How working remote improves our lives
https://www.alainguillot.com/matthew-e-kahn/ Matthew E. Kahn a Professor of Economics at the University of Southern California. He's the author of Going Remote: How the Flexible Work Economy Can Improve Our Lives and Our Cities. Get the book here: https://amzn.to/3x5uxlp
Pauline Boss: How do we cope with loss that cannot be resolved?
https://www.alainguillot.com/pauline-boss/ Pauline Boss is known as a pioneer in the interdisciplinary study of family stress.