Business Made Simple with Donald Miller

Updated: 22 Jul 2024 • 460 episodes

Welcome to the Business Made Simple Podcast where we coach you to build your business like an airplane. The cockpit is your leadership. The body is your overhead. The right engine is your marketing. The left engine is your sales. The wings are your products and the fuel tanks are your cash flow. If you build the six parts of your business correctly it will fly far and fast. Every week we help a business owner just like you optimize their airplane.

Show episodes

Let's talk about the elephant in the room for a second: the relentless hustle and grind of building a business. The entrepreneurial world can be a demanding beast, often forcing us to sacrifice our personal lives in the pursuit of success. Yes, you love your business, but you didn't sign up to be married to it. The tru

34 min
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Here’s a stark warning: heart disease is America’s #1 killer, and stress is heart disease’s #1 predictor. When your work/life balance is out of whack, stress only grows. How business owners manage this delicate highwire act is quite literally a matter of life and death. Thankfully, today we recognize the link between w

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What does it take to be truly great? It's easy to think greatness is only for a lucky few. But that belief will leave you powerless—feeling that without certain natural traits, high levels of success just aren't in the cards for you. But what if the real difference between average and great lies in simple, doable habit

30 min
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The enemy of clarity is chaos and confusion. Not only is that true in your marketing and messaging, it’s true in your everyday work. But how many times have you or your team misplaced an important file, been locked out of a vital platform, or even discovered a digital asset you thought you owned was actually never your

30 min
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Frustrated your marketing isn't working? Stuck wondering why customers aren't clicking "buy now"? Imagine turning that around in just five minutes. Get the help you need to clarify your message and grow your business with our free 5 Minute Marketing Makeover video series. Get immediate access to the 5 Minute Marketing

35 min
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Frustrated your marketing isn't working? Stuck wondering why customers aren't clicking "buy now"? Imagine turning that around in just five minutes. Get the help you need to clarify your message and grow your business with our free 5 Minute Marketing Makeover video series. Get immediate access to the 5 Minute Marketing

23 min
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