Jim Poole

Jim Poole

5 Interviews

Jim Poole's Interviews

How do you access your calm? Stress is one of the biggest obstacles people face today. It can impact your health, your life, your work, your relationships, and your learning. In our modern world, I believe calmness is currency and nothing is more valuable than your peace of mind. I’m excited to have Jim Poole on our sh

19 min
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Rid yourself of stress, and open your mind to a whole new level of focus. Get evidence based neuroscience and information on ways to get the same benefits of meditation, mindfulness and brain regulation and without the challenge of sticking to your own plan.  Kristin and Jim Poole, CEO and President of NuCalm, share an

81 min
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“Everything is about frequency. NuCalm is about managing frequencies.” - Jim Poole Hey, guys, welcome back to ONKEN RADIO (previously NION Radio). In this podcast, we explore the body, mind, and soul of the creative entrepreneur. It's my goal to help you take your creativity, business, and life to the next level. I'm s

93 min
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I'm constantly playing and experimenting with new devices and so-called biohacks to enhance sleep and cognition. One of my favorites of late is a very handy device called the NuCalm, which I've been using to simulate an entire 120 minute sleep cycle with just a 20 minute daily powernap. The NuCalm is a next-level crani

79 min
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Fernando Aires talks with Jim Poole, President and CEO of Solace Lifesciences, about their product NuCalm. NuCalm is designed to aid in managing stress and sleep and is used by many professional athletes, as well as cancer patients. The two discuss how the system works, what state NuCalm tries to get your body into, wh

36 min
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Podcasts with Jim Poole


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