Holistic Survival Show - Economic Crisis

Updated: 29 Jun 2024 • 655 episodes

Holistic Survival is about being prepared for modern survival with simple, realistic steps everyone can take to make the world a better place. It's about turning problems into possibilities. It's about stability and community and equipping, fortifying, perfecting, providing, and securing peace of mind. It's about self-reliance and personal responsibility. Who is behind The Holistic Survival Show? The name Jason Hartman has become synonymous with exposing the rigged game on Wall Street and guiding thousands of grateful investors to create wealth that lasts with income producing property investments in diverse geographical markets. More than two decades of phenomenon ally successful personal real estate success went into The Complete Solution For Real Estate Investors™, the blueprint Jason created to help people make the transition from the losing stocks, bonds, and mutual funds game to the winning property ownership game. You can learn more about Jason's company, Platinum Properties Investor Network, and his method at http://www.JasonHartman.com.

Show episodes

Jason welcomes Ivor Cummins, author of "Eat Rich, Live Long!", who transitioned from corporate problem-solving to investigating food supply corruption. He shared a conference stage with Jason Hartman, discussing elite class agendas. Cummins, a biochemical engineer, criticized the handling of COVID-19, comparing it to a

49 min
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Today Jason welcomes back Lynette Zang from Zang Enterprises, highlighting her expertise in the economy, sound money, and precious metals. They discuss the recent surge in gold prices, attributed to global central banks' increased gold purchases, despite market manipulation efforts to suppress it. Zang explains that ri

34 min
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In part 2 of Jason's talk with Catherine Austin Fitts, they discuss China's approach to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which integrates CBDCs through commercial banks to avoid disrupting the existing banking system. They contrasted this with the European Central Bank's approach, which might eliminate traditio

25 min
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Jason welcomes Catherine Austin Fitts, of the Solari Report back to his show after nearly eight years. Catherine, served as Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush. They discuss the disappearance of trillions of dollars from federal budgets, starting in the mid-90s and escalating over the years. By 2001,

28 min
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Jason introduces Sahala Moshsin and her book "Paper Soldiers: How the Weaponization of the Dollar Changed the World Order" and discusses the impact of economic sanctions, particularly those imposed on Russia. They also explore the challenges faced by countries trying to work around the US dollar's global dominance, the

27 min
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In today's 10th episode, Jason welcomes Cass Sunstein, author of "LOOK AGAIN: The Power of Noticing What was Always There," They discuss the concept of habituation and its effects on our perception of stimuli, including the importance of gratitude and the need to dishabituate to maintain a balanced perspective. They al

22 min
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