Erin Holland

Erin Holland

48 Interviews

Erin Holland's Interviews

I think it’s fair to say that anger can build up fast for anyone, especially tired and overworked parents. But the truth is that anger isn’t the enemy, but rather a signal of a host of other emotions. The good news is that we can learn to change the way we respond to triggers. In today’s clip, Dr. Joe Dispenza dives in

18 min
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When life gets messy, all too often we try to avoid the difficult and overwhelming emotions that inevitably pop up. We tend to label our feelings as “good” or “bad,” and we think that we’ll thrive if we can just get rid of the difficult ones. But what if we’re actually supposed to embrace all the emotions? Susan David

23 min
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Erin Holland & Caroline Leaf 19 Dec 2023 • EN

How to clean up your mental mess, an interview with Dr. Caroline Leaf

Dr. Caroline Leaf is a best-selling author, renowned neuroscientist, and host of the award-winning podcast Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess. She joins me today to discuss scientifically proven steps to help kids (and adults, of course) recognize their feelings and respond in a healthy way. She explains how to replace toxic

45 min
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Erin Holland & Marcus Buckingham 12 Sep 2023 • EN

Bringing love back to the heart of it, an interview with Marcus Buckingham

Marcus Buckingham is a global researcher and bestselling author focused on unlocking strengths, increasing performance, and pioneering the future of how people work. In today’s conversation, Marcus dives into the importance of discovering your true loves, or what he calls “red threads,” and how those make an impact bot

51 min
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Erin Holland & Catherine Price 04 Jul 2023 • EN

Are you having fun yet?, featuring Catherine Price

As a parent, you have a lot on your plate—and sometimes you end up sacrificing self-care and any small things that bring you joy. But actually, fun is a feeling rather than an activity, and happiness is something you can choose. Catherine Price is a science journalist and author who is passionate about helping people m

14 min
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Erin Holland & Jocko Willink 30 May 2023 • EN

Discipline equals freedom, featuring Jocko Willink

As adults, we have things to do—kiddos to raise, jobs to maintain, goals to reach. It can be tough to find time to both fulfill our responsibilities and to take care of ourselves. In the tough moments when it’s hard to get motivated, we need to create good systems of discipline and consistency to keep us on the right t

11 min
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Podcast with Erin Holland


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