Martha Beck: ...what alignment with yourself feels like
Our guest on this episode is the amazing Martha Beck, who's a bestselling author and Harvard-trained sociologist known as “Oprah Winfrey’s life coach”. Her latest bestselling book is called, "The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self." The work she is probably best known for is about following your gut instinct instead of being led by society's expectations. Her website is marthabeck.com. We’re excited to tell you about another great product from our sponsor, Ritual. It's called Synbiotic+ and it’s a daily 3-in-1 clinically-studied prebiotic, probiotic, and postbiotic designed to help support a balanced gut microbiome. Ritual’s Synbiotic+ provides two of the world’s most clinically studied probiotic strains to support the relief of mild and occasional digestive discomforts, like bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Synbiotic+ and Ritual are here to celebrate, not hide, your insides. It’s time to listen to your gut! Ritual is offering our Nobody Told Me! listeners 10% off during your first 3 months. Visit ritual.com/NTM to start Ritual or add Synbiotic+ to your subscription today. Our sponsor, Zocdoc, is the only FREE app that lets you find AND book doctors who are patient reviewed, take your insurance, are available when you need them and treat almost every condition under the sun. On Zocdoc, you’ll find quality doctors who focus on you, listen to you and prioritize your care. Go to Zocdoc.com/NTM and download the Zocdoc app for FREE! Then, find and book a top-rated doctor today. Many are available within 24 hours. If you have a symptom that you’d really like to get checked out, don’t put it off any more! Go to Zocdoc.com/NTM and download the Zocdoc app for FREE!
From "Nobody Told Me!"
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