Mikhaila Peterson
Welcome to the Human Performance Outliers Podcast! Your hosts, Dr. Shawn Baker and Zach Bitter, are here to explore the outer limits of performance with interviews, Q&As, and interesting topics related to nutrition and performance. In episode 14, we interview Mikhaila Peterson. Mikaila is a mother, soon to be author and host of the blog, "Don't Eat That," at mikhailapeterson.com She is quickly becoming known for using an elimination diet to help ease her health issues. HPO Patreon: Website Find Mikhaila: Website: Don't Eat That Instagram Twitter Patreon Find Shawn: Meatheals.com Shawn-Baker.com Carnivoretrainingsystems.com Butcher Box Gift! Instagram Twitter Find Zach: zachbitter.com YouTube Instagram Twitter Facebook Xendurance Contact Us: hpopodcast@gmail.com
From "Human Performance Outliers Podcast"
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