Darin Olien & Doug Bopst , SuperLife with Darin Olien

Doing Time & Changing Lives | Doug Bopst

08 Dec 2020 • 59 min • EN
59 min
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We all make choices in life. Sometimes those choices come from a place of pain & desperation. Sometimes those choices come from a desire to change & grow. It’s up to us to put the intent behind the decision. Changing your life is about making different choices. Doug Bopst is an award-winning personal trainer, author, speaker and podcast host. But before that, he was a drug addict and a drug dealer. After a judge found him guilty of “possession with intent to sell,” Doug served several months in prison. Forced to detox from a pain pill addiction in his small cell, he knew he had hit rock bottom. But a conversation with his cellmate changed everything. I’ll let you hear the details directly from him in this episode. || Full Show Notes - https://darinolien.com/44-doug-bopst-on-doing-time-and-changing-lives/

From "SuperLife with Darin Olien"

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