Steven Pressfield's Interviews
‘The War of Art’ Author Steven Pressfield on Conquering Fear, Self-Doubt, and Procrastination
Is the real battle for mastery fought outside of us—or within—and what does it take to win that fight every day? I’m so excited for this week’s guest, Steven Pressfield. Steven is a bestselling author and thought leader on creativity, known for his groundbreaking works like The War of Art and The Legend of Bagger Vance
Steven Pressfield: Every Story Needs a Villain | How I Write Podcast | How I Write
Steven Pressfield waded through 27 years of Resistance so you don’t have to — come learn his best practices to creating your best work. SPEAKER LINKS: Website: https://stevenpressfield.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steven_pressfield Books: https://stevenpressfield.com/books/ WRITE OF PASSAGE: Want to learn
Steven Pressfield On Work Without Attachments (Part 1)
Ryan speaks with book athour & screenwriter Steven Pressfield on fewer possessions, superstition in memorabilia, the impact of working without any attachments to the outcome, and his new books The Daily Pressfield. Steven is an American author of historical fiction, non-fiction, and screenplays. He’s most known for The
In this episode, Steven Pressfield shares his insights on overcoming resistance and pursuing creative endeavors. An acclaimed author known for his works in fiction, non-fiction, and screenwriting, he gained recognition with his debut novel "The Legend of Bagger Vance" and his historical fiction novel "Gates of Fire." B
Steven Pressfield (author! The War of Art!) makes it weird! Watch the video of the podcast here! SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS NIRVANA WATER SCIENCES Feel super by visiting https://feelsuper.com MAGIC MIND Get 20% OFF your order https://magicmind.co/weird LIVING LIBATIONS Get 15% OFF at checkout https://livinglibations.com/weir
Creative success is notoriously elusive, but those who have made the journey insist it comes down to three factors: hard work, luck, and talent. Steven Pressfield wants to add one more thing to that list: a muse. And he should know. His muse guided him to incredible success as an author of fiction, nonfiction, and mov
Podcasts with Steven Pressfield
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