Robert Siegel's Interviews
The Brains and Brawn Company: Combining Digital and Physical Solutions with Robert Siegel
Welcome to the What's Next! podcast with Tiffani Bova. This week I am thrilled to bring you this episode of the What’s Next! Podcast with Robert Siegel! Robert is a Lecturer in Management at the Stanford Business School. He researches strategy and innovation in both large and small companies, and how companies combine
Effective Leadership And Innovation In The Modern Era With Robert Siegel
There are two things a company, be it a startup or an established business, needs to survive and thrive. They need the vision to innovate and great leadership. In this episode, Dr. Diane Hamilton gets into a conversation with Stanford University Lecturer and Venture Capitalist Robert Siegel about the changes that are h
Episode #37 Rob Siegel Stanford University faculty lecturer, VC, author of "The Brain & Brawn Company"
Episode #37 Robert Siegel, Lecturer at Stanford University Graduate School of Business & VC on Fireside with a VC talking about his new book The Brains and Brawn Company: How Leading Organizations Blend the Best of Digital and Physical https://rb.gy/ctfxbb. Rob is also a General Partner at X-Seed Capital and Venture Pa
Ep329: Robert Siegel | Lecturer in Management, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Robert is a Lecturer in Management at the Stanford Graduate School of Business where he teaches five different courses on strategy, innovation finance and product management. He is also a General Partner at XSeed Capital and a Venture Partner at Piva. Along with holding executive positions in various startups and enter
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