Richard E. Nisbett's Interviews
#890 Richard Nisbett: Attribution Theory, Intelligence, and Cognitive Differences Across Cultures
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Making Better Decisions, The Sophomore Jinx, & The Illusion of Objectivity with Dr. Richard Nisbett
In this episode we discuss the errors people make in their reasoning and how to correct them, we explain a number of statistical principles to help sharpen your thinking and make you a better decision maker, why every $1 spent on a “scared straight” program creates $400 of cost for the criminal justice system, the illu
My Chat with Psychologist Dr. Richard Nisbett (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_350)
Topics covered include Richard's memoir, theories of reasoning (e.g., argumentative theory, Wason selection task), cultures of honor (e.g., the American South), cultural differences, IQ, evolutionary psychology, behavioral decision theory, the University of Michigan, authenticity (Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, and Do
In this wide-ranging conversation Shermer and Nisbett discuss Nisbett’s research showing how people reason, how people should reason, why errors in reasoning occur, how much you can improve reasoning, what kinds of problems are best solved by the conscious mind and what kinds by the unconscious mind, and how we should
Can People Learn to be Better at Thinking? With Richard E. Nisbett
Few psychologists in the world have contributed more to scientific discovery than our guest Richard E. Nisbett. He joins us to discuss his latest book, the title of which embodies one of his favorite activities: Thinking: A Memoir. Thinking weaves Richard’s personal story through his research journey, painting a richer
Richard E. Nisbett has spent his career studying how people think. He is an emeritus professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan, and his research has influenced how psychologists think about reasoning, introspection, culture, and intelligence. He has written several important books over his career, including
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