Richard E. Nisbett – Matt Bodnar
Richard E. Nisbett is a social scientist, an author, and a psychologist. Matt Bodnar is an interview host, a business executive, and a consultant. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Richard E. Nisbett and Matt Bodnar.
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Episodes with Richard E. Nisbett & Matt Bodnar
Matt Bodnar
Richard E. Nisbett
26 Oct 2023
• EN
Making Better Decisions, The Sophomore Jinx, & The Illusion of Objectivity with Dr. Richard Nisbett
In this episode we discuss the errors people make in their reasoning and how to correct them, we explain a number of statistical principles to help sharpen your thinking and make you a better decision maker, why every $1 spent on a “scared straight” program creates $400 of cost for the criminal justice system, the illu