John McWhorter

John McWhorter

27 Interviews

John McWhorter's Interviews

Mike Pesca & John McWhorter 12 Jul 2023 • EN

Welcome Back To McWhorter's Quarters

John McWhorter is a professor of linguistics at Columbia University, a New York Times columnist, and host of the Lexicon Valley podcast. He's back for another iteration of McWhorter's Quarters, wherein we discuss language, society, and the intersection (though not intersectionality) thereof. Plus, the Willy Wonka origi

34 min
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John McWhorter is a linguistics professor at Columbia University specialising in research on creole languages. He's also a content-producing machine, never afraid to give his frank opinion on anything and everything. On top of his academic work he's also written 22 books, produced five online university courses, hosts

107 min
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Steve Levitt & John McWhorter 23 Apr 2022 • EN

72. “Leaving Black People in the Lurch”

Linguist and social commentator John McWhorter explains how good intentions may be hurting Black America — and where the word “motherf*cker” comes from.

47 min
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Konstantin Kisin + Francis Foster & John McWhorter 16 Dec 2021 • EN

Is "Anti-Racism" Helping Black People? - John McWhorter

John McWhorter is associate professor of linguistics at Columbia University and the author of several books including his latest title Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America Join our exclusive TRIGGERnometry community on Locals! OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: http

50 min
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Krys Boyd & John McWhorter 04 Dec 2021 • EN

Think Again: Revisiting why we love to curse so #&%@$!+ much

John McWhorter is a linguist who spends his time thinking about words, what they mean, why we use them and how they’ve evolved — and that includes profanity. He joins Think to talk about his most recent book, “Nine Nasty Words: English in the Gutter: Then, Now, and Forever.” Just a warning: there’s uncensored profanity

31 min
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Coleman Hughes & John McWhorter 03 Dec 2021 • EN

Woke Racism with John McWhorter

My guest today needs no introduction. Joining me in today's episode is John McWhorter.  John has a new book called "Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America". This is an excellent book and I highly recommend you to read it. In this episode, we talk about what "wokeness" is, as John defines it, and whe

61 min
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Podcasts with John McWhorter


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