Jean Chatzky's Interviews

Determined to master her messy personal finances, Jean Chatzky immersed herself in learning all about money. She worked on Wall Street to understand investing, then transitioned to personal finance journalism. After she got fired for being too expensive, she combined her side hustles and launched HerMoney, a safe space

65 min
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Jean Chatzky & Charles Duhigg 27 Mar 2024 • EN

Get What You Want With Charles Duhigg

Think about the conversations you have every day. There are the ones you have with your friends over coffee to catch up on life, the ones you have with a family member while walking the dog, and countless others throughout your week. While it may not seem like it, every conversation (yes, even the mundane ones!) is a n

53 min
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Joe Saul-Sehy + Josh Bannerman & Jean Chatzky 20 Dec 2023 • EN

Lessons From 2023 with Today Show Money Editor Jean Chatzky (SB1451)

LOTS of incredible events happened this year. What should we have learned from a big bank collapse? From Bitcoin resurging? From the stock market moving up (along with interest rates)? We asked about all of these and more to Today Show Money Editor and host of the Her Money podcast, Jean Chatzky. Jean shares great tips

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Jean Chatzky & Amy Edmondson 20 Dec 2023 • EN

How To Fail, With Amy Edmondson

“Move fast and break things.” That was Mark Zuckerburg’s now-famous early motto for Facebook. Fast forward to today, many budding startup founders have come to live by this idea — that if you’re not getting messy and failing often, you’re not making progress — and you’re definitely not creating the next Facebook. Recen

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Jean Chatzky & Bethany McLean 13 Dec 2023 • EN

Financial Fallout And Our Economy With Bethany McLean

While many of us would prefer to forget the pandemic ever happened, the choices we made (as a society and perhaps, personally) in 2020 continue to have lingering effects. We know that women were disproportionately affected by the pandemic — an estimated two million women left the workforce due to the strains of caregiv

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Jean Chatzky & Dan Ariely 20 Sep 2023 • EN

What “Fake News” Really Looks Like, with Dan Ariely

If you’re finding it harder these days to discern exactly what to believe when you watch or read the news, you’re not alone. It’s gotten so bad that The Associated Press has an entire section of their website dedicated to “Not Real News” where they fact-check the news of the week. So, how can we make sure our sources a

56 min
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Podcasts with Jean Chatzky


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