Jason Burke

Jason Burke

1 Follower
6 Interviews

Jason Burke's Interviews

Whether you have undiagnosed or recently diagnosed Adult ADHD, navigating life can be a challenge all the same. Dive into a heartfelt conversation as certified ADHD Life, Relationship, and Career Coach, Shane Thrapp and I continue to share personal experiences pre-diagnosis. Unpacking childhood trauma, turbulent early

43 min
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Shane Thapp, an ADHD coach, and I share a common thread in our life journeys. Despite vastly different childhoods and paths through tumultuous early adulthood, we both share a late-in-life diagnosis of ADHD. Together, we engage in a candid and unfiltered conversation about the challenges of living with undiagnosed Adul

59 min
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Former President Donald Trump is no stranger to controversy, but his legal troubles have reached a new level. In a historic moment for American history, Trump became the first former or sitting US president to face criminal charges in a Manhattan courtroom. However, this is just the beginning of his legal woes. State a

36 min
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Jason Burke & Bob LeMent 27 Dec 2022 • EN

Episode 26: Hey Tech, Where’s My Flying Car? with Bob LeMent

As technology continues to advance, it's become increasingly apparent that society isn't taking full advantage of the opportunities these advancements present. Homelessness, low voter turnout, and inefficient energy production are just a few of the many issues that could be solved through the proper application of exis

61 min
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Podcasts with Jason Burke


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