Sort out your dodgy back - Aaron Alexander
I've been interested for a while in getting on a physical pain specialist on my podcast. When I spoke to back-pain expert Esther Gokhale a while back, it had a huge response and lots of people listened. So - we've brought in body expert Aaron Alexander for more. You'll love this, and you may well sort your back out while you listen. Yep, I've had problems with a dodgy back in the past too. Ever heard of Align Therapy? Aaron Alexander is awesome, and occasionally just slightly inappropriate. (You'll hear this in the first few minutes of the podcast). Also - is "sitting the new smoking"? Aaron answers the question on today's show. The link between physicality and what's going on in the mind I totally subscribe to this. I know when I'm relaxed, happy, stress-free, my body works better too. Want more of this vibe? Listen now. How getting naked helps your back Hmm, hard to explain in an email. But, as I recently discovered, getting naked can help your back pain and general wellbeing levels. Aaron's got some fascinating thoughts on this. You need to listen to the podcast for this bit I think.
From "Biohacking News by Zestology"
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