Dave Asprey goes Back To The Future - the coolest gadgets and hacks for getting the most out of life #142
A couple of weeks ago I was in LA for the Bulletproof Biohacking Conference. You've probably seen various selfies on social media. I went over there to write a piece for Balance magazine and record for Zestology on going Back To The Future, with the world's most famous biohacker Dave Asprey. How does this guy do it? Dave sat across from me, and he looked healthier and younger – way younger – than the last time I saw him ten months ago. He’s more toned, his guns are bigger than mine – I’m especially unhappy about that - the lines on his face are smoother, and hang on, he appears to have youthful dimples in his cheeks. Like a 20-something. Where did the dimples come from? He definitely didn’t have them at the start of the year. Ordinarily the first thing that would spring to mind is botox. But this is the man with a stated aim of living to the age of 180. And in his words, he’s not into sticking rat poison into his face. There is no beating around the bush. I need to know. We’re starting with the dimples. First question – how do you look annoyingly younger than last time, while I seem to be ageing not-go-gracefully? Want to know more? Listen to the podcast for the answer as well as the latest health tech, supplements, gadgets and a general geek out.
From "Biohacking News by Zestology"
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