Your Tone of Voice with Shannon Dalton Giordano, Serendipity Social Media, Inc.
Today I have the pleasure of having Shannon Dalton Giordano from Serendipity Social Media, Inc. on the podcast. I met Shannon through Eileen Cox from True To Choice who I had met through Mary Cravets and her excellent Watch Us THRIVE online Zoom calls. “I'm a singer and love to sing just for fun, not professionally. So I think about Tone of Voice as how we show up. It's the words we use. It's the way we talk. It's the way we treat people. And I think that certainly from a brand perspective, often brands don't think about their tone of voice enough. I am talking about the written word. So it sounds funny since tone really makes it sound like it's going to be something audible, but yes, the words that you're using on social media, blog posts, advertising, and the ways that you talk to people. How do you want people to view you? Do you want them to see you as warm, inviting, and inclusive? Do you want to be fun? Do you want to be snarky? Do you want to be cutting edge? There are all sorts of ways you can impact your tone of voice so that people understand who you are and how you're trying to show up. It’s about storytelling. I start from, what's the thing that I'm trying to share. And then I try to think about what in my life is meaningful to me? And usually, it bubbles up to some story, whether it's about music or whether it's about a family member or training my dog or whatever it is. Do you use an anecdote to connect with people? I think it does two things. It really gets the point I'm trying to make across, but it also lets them have a little glimpse into my personality and who I am. Working with businesses, writing all of their social media posts, which I still do to some degree, but now, for the most part, I'm doing much more with strategy sessions, trying to help business owners and entrepreneurs figure out their strategy. I think a lot of people keep trying things on social media and not understanding why they don't work. I think it's much more effective to tell stories that are targeted to the pain points of the clients that you want to reach. So then they see themselves in your stories without you even having to say, buy this thing. Sometimes it can just be a really easy, a small switch. Everything you're posting is promotional. Maybe you think you're getting your message across, but it really doesn't make sense and people don't know what you do. So I've been spending a lot more time trying to get under the covers with business owners to figure out what they are doing now and how to put a strategy in place that works. It makes sense for them to read the analytics and insights and understand what's working, and what's not. I think sometimes we all just keep trying to do the same thing without desired results, the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.” ~ Shannon Dalton Giordano Contact Shannon Website: Serendipity Social Media, Inc. Email: shannon@SerendipitySocialMedia.com WHAT has YOUR attention? Let us know To contact us and/or leave us an audio message visit WhatHasMyAttention.com. Visit Podchaser to see what I’m listening to and see our portfolio. Podsafe Music Credits Shine All Night by AudioStock and Motion Array Royalty-Free Music. Dope Digging by Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (3.0) license
From "What Has My Attention"
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