Shannon Dalton Giordano

Shannon Dalton Giordano

2 Interviews

Shannon Dalton Giordano's Interviews

John Biethan & Shannon Dalton Giordano 14 Dec 2021 • EN

Being Brave on Social Media feat. Shannon Dalton Giordano

Visit and leave me audio feedback. Visit to create a social media strategy that works! Welcome to What Has My Attention. This is John Biethan. I first had Shannon Dalton Giordano from Serendipity Social Media on episode 21titled “Your Tone of Voice.” This episode with h

33 min
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John Biethan & Shannon Dalton Giordano 05 May 2021 • EN

Your Tone of Voice with Shannon Dalton Giordano, Serendipity Social Media, Inc.

Today I have the pleasure of having Shannon Dalton Giordano from Serendipity Social Media, Inc. on the podcast. I met Shannon through Eileen Cox from True To Choice who I had met through Mary Cravets and her excellent Watch Us THRIVE online Zoom calls. “I'm a singer and love to sing just for fun, not professionally. So

38 min
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Podcast with Shannon Dalton Giordano


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