What Has My Attention

Updated: 01 Aug 2023 • 64 episodes

Elevating women's voices to be heard. Conversations with Women in Strong Leadership. And anything else that has my attention in this highly distracted world.

Show episodes

In a meeting not long ago, at the Chamber of Commerce in Carlsbad, I had the pleasure to hear Andria Taylor give a remarkable presentation. Her discourse, "Once Upon a Time... The Power of Storytelling for Your Business," was both delightful and insightful and I knew it needed a wider audience. And so, I convinced Andr

17 min
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In this engaging discussion, the speakers, Marguerite, Amber, and Barbara, delve into the importance of financial planning, estate planning, and the role of professional advisors. They emphasize the need for planning ahead for financial security and estate distribution, even when the future is uncertain. They also high

38 min
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In this insightful podcast, guest Andrea Taylor, the founder of TalentXponential, discusses the shifting dynamics of the workplace and the importance of meaningful work in fostering employee engagement. Taylor expresses her wish for businesses to focus more on their social responsibilities and to invest more in their e

33 min
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For a long time, I’ve been interested in the opportunity and benefits that come with cross-generation collaboration. So I was excited to bring Adam Jacobs and Erin Scheriff from The Jacobs Scheriff Group on the podcast. Some of the topics covered today include Cross-Generation Collaboration; Business Ethics; Social Res

34 min
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In January 2023 Wade Blair gave a presentation at the Carlsbad, CA Chamber of Commerce First Friday Breakfast and asked “Why do people set goals and never take the next steps to properly see them through?” Wade then introduced us all to “The Why Method”. Nikki Tobia was present that day. Months later at another First F

46 min
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In this thought-provoking episode, my guests delve into the art of leading as women, embracing resilience, self-awareness, and grit. They recount personal journeys, underscoring the value of drawing lines in the sand, harmonizing personal and work lives, and being aware of one's worth. Dr. Deborah Gilboa and Patricia C

37 min
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