Tara Garrison - Full Spectrum Of Fitness & Nutrition
Tara joined me for a live podcast recording at KetoCon. She has a broad range of fitness accomplishments, from running the Boston Marathon to training for bodybuilding competitions. She has explored both keto and low carbohydrate diets and shares where she lands on this topic. Tara's education includes; NASM, ICANS, CFSC and more. HPO Sponsors: zachbitter.com/hposponsors Athletic Greens: athleticgreens.com/HPO Optimal Carnivore: amazon.com/optimalcarnivore promo code: humansave10 Support HPO: zachbitter.com/hpo Support HPO: patreon.com/HPOpodcast Tara: taragarrison.com IG: @coachtaragarrison Tiktok: @coachtaragarrison FB: @taragarrison Podcast: Inside Out Health Zach: zachbitter.com IG: @zachbitter Tw: @zbitter FB: @zbitterendurance Strava: Zach Bitter Tiktok: @zachbitter
From "Human Performance Outliers Podcast"
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