Daniel Amen
+ Tana Amen
Jonny Bowden
Change Your Brain Every Day
What Insulin Resistance Means to Your Body, with Dr. Jonny Bowden
28 Oct 2020
• 13 min
• EN
In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen are once again joined by the “Nutrition Myth Buster” Dr. Jonny Bowden. In this episode, the discussion is on insulin resistance, and why this marker is a major predictor for major potential health problems. Dr. Bowden and the Amens also reveal which tests should be considered in place of the traditional cholesterol test to give you more important information. For more info on Dr. Jonny Bowden, visit https://jonnybowden.com/
From "Change Your Brain Every Day"
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