The Simple Ways to Be a Customer Experience Expert with Shep Hyken
Welcome to the What's Next! Podcast with Tiffani Bova. I’m excited to bring back an episode with my friend Shep Hyken. Shep is a NY Times and WSJ bestselling author of multiple books, including Moments of Magic, one of my favorites. He’s a customer service expert and a keynote speaker. He works with companies who want to build loyal relationships with their customers and employees by delivering fantastic customer experiences. THIS EPISODE IS PERFECT FOR… anyone in customer service and customer success organization and leaders who wake up every day focused on improving customer experience. TODAY’S MAIN MESSAGE… the only thing that's going to separate one company from the next is the experience that a customer has with a brand. It will no longer be about product and price – customer service and customer success will carry as much, if not more, weight than price in purchase decisions. Customer-focused companies make sure everyone on the team knows their value to the customer, even if they work behind the scenes. Leaders have to define what the customer service experience is going to look like, and they have to live it: communicate it, train it, and serve as the role model. Make sure you hire people with a personality that matches the character of the company; you can train for everything else. Once you have the right people, make sure every member of your team is “service-aware,” which means understanding how your touch point matters to the customer. WHAT I LOVE MOST… be more convenient. Be easier to do business with, and no matter what, create a frictionless experience for your customers – that’s what they will remember. Running Time: 31:46 Subscribe on iTunes Find Tiffani on Social: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Find Shep Online: Website Twitter LinkedIn
From "What's Next! with Tiffani Bova"
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