The 7 Steps To Get People To Buy, With Cole Gordon
Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast... Is sales dead? Is closing dead? For higher ticket sales, you need great salespeople MDR, SDR, Account Executives SDRs are reaching out cold (Sales Development Reps) MDRs reach out after you opt-in for something (Marketing Development Reps) AEs are the closers Seven beliefs the prospect must have to buy Pain Pain—move away from Unfulfilled desire—move towards Business is about solving problems People exchange money when you show them value But we must start with pain Doubt They must doubt they can do it themselves Why not DIY? Cost It's more costly to stay where they are Tony Robbins and the Dickens process, imagine years from now if nothing changes, and bring it to the present cost/value You must set up these questions It must sound natural Desire The payoff if they fix the problem The compelling future Support Your partners/team will support you in the decision Money They must have the money/budget to invest They must have the willingness to invest the funds Trust Trust in you and the company They must trust your methodology So you must sell them simultaneously on why their current world won't change and it too painful and that your system will work Break down their limiting beliefs Prospects will close themselves when you do this right There are a lot of soft salespeople today Related episodes and posts Close More Sales With the Hardcore Closer Open Relationships Instead of Close Sales With Jeffrey Gitomer There are times to hold people accountable to be in alignment with their words You must learn sales management to really scale your business Ad costs are rising, etc. so you need internal sales teams The business owner must be the leader Salespeople can't perform if they are not inspired Your culture matters Cold calling works great in a targeted industry and you have to reach high up the food chain He goes after founders of $1-$4 million companies He usually gets emails rather easily He gets decent answer rates on calls Data is the biggest thing You need good lists He manually builds his own lists Uses Seamless.ai He can't use their search function He needs a launch point Use BuiltWith to find software they use Find a Facebook Group It's hard to find these people who self-identify Realtors self-identify but use Zillow to see who is advertising so you're not just calling all Realtors Use Seamless to get all of their info Research team customizes the first line to complete the list Then clean the list to have good deliverability If you want to get into sales, reach out If you're not making great money in sales, reach out If you have a service or course or online delivered service, reach out You need to have a way to generate leads You can't just hire a salesperson and cut them loose and tell them to make it work
From "The Sales Podcast"
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