If you want to be healthy, adopt sustainable habits. Here's how. with Janet Omstead

21 Mar 2023 • 33 min • EN
33 min
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Are you ready to adopt sustainable habits that help you feel better, be more productive, and achieve more success? When you adopt sustainable habits you can create sustainable change in your life, mentally and physically. Best of all, you can create sustainable habits without feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.  If you have felt stuck or like you are struggling in any area of your life, it may be time to adopt sustainable habits for a healthier version of yourself.  It’s time to play Many times, especially once we hit mid-life, we feel something, go to the doctor, and he or she gives us a laundry list of things to do. This is overwhelming and oftentimes, things are forgotten, or it feels impossible to keep up with them.  Janet uses her PLAY method to help people adopt sustainable habits to create sustainable change in their lifestyles.  Robyn emphasized that people often use anxiety or hormones as excuses. Maybe symptoms or feelings are related to these, but they aren’t excuses. You must take action to navigate them instead of staying stuck using them as excuses. You can’t overcome struggle without action.  What is PLAY and how to use it to adopt sustainable change and create sustainable habits?  PLAY stands for Please Look After Yourself. Janet suggests that when change is necessary, start with your vision. What is the vision you have for yourself for your future? She mentioned the 5 Why’s, which were also referenced in episode 224 when talking about problem-solving with Sarah K. Ramsey. Janet emphasized that when you are aligned with your vision and your why, you can create sustainable change.  Your vision and your why are important when you want to adopt sustainable change Identifying your vision and your why is the first part of the PLAY method.  Second to identifying your vision and your why is recognizing that you do not have to go to a gym.  Janet referenced the Blue Zones by Dan Butner. One of the things that Dan discovered is that people who lived the longest and healthiest never went to a gym. They simply incorporated movement into their day. This is natural and playful. For example, gardening is a form of movement and is playful.  The minimum amount of movement everyone needs is 20 minutes a day or 150 minutes a week – this recommendation is the bare minimum to fight chronic disease.    If you are struggling go back to when you were a kid and what you enjoyed doing. Robyn referenced using the same concept to tap into creativity. More on living a healthy lifestyle. The third part of PLAY is to keep it simple.  Janet believes that when you are healthy and playful, life is better.  She is also the author of The Playbook, How to Get in the Habit of Good Health.  Learn more and connect with Janet on her website: Janet Omstead.  Have you or someone you know been struggling with anxiety? Download the free eBook, Alleviating Anxiety by Creating Healthy Habits for a Health Mind today.   Click here for the complete show notes and access all links.   

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