Kevin Wohlmut
+ Michael Garfield
The KMO Show
001 - Michael Garfield and Kevin Wohlmut
01 Mar 2023
• 61 min
• EN
In this inaugural episode of the KMO Show, KMO, Michael Garfield of the Future Fossils podcast and mutual friend, Kevin Wohlmut, discuss the dawning of the epistemological apocalypse. Thanks to AI, we can't really trust our eyes or our ears anymore. Deep faked images and voices can produce "evidence" that people said and did things they never said or did. How do we select our reality tunnels when almost anything can be faked in real time? Do we give up on truth seeking and just believe whatever floats our boat, or are there general principles or trustworthy oracles we can depend on?
From "The KMO Show"
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