Melissa Chureau & Kitt O'Malley , The Fully Mindful with Melissa Chureau

De-stigmatizing Mental Illness with Kitt O'Malley, Mental Health Advocate & Author of Balancing Act – Writing Through a Bipolar Life

09 Feb 2023 • 57 min • EN
57 min
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Send us a textKitt O’Malley, author of Balancing Act – Writing Through a Bipolar Life, and NAMI Central Oregon Board Member, offers hope to those living with mental illness and their loved ones. As a therapist who left her career due to mental illness, she’s a powerful advocate for mental health and tirelessly fights the stigma against those living with mental illness. She is both down to earth and wildly smart, and disarmingly honest about her own challenges—and by doing so, she unmasks stigma for what it is and lets listeners see what it is really like to have overcome her struggles with bipolar disorder to become a mental health advocate, mother, wife, and daughter.You’ll want to hear this intimate, candid story that will surely offer insight into living with mental illness….and hope for those who do.For more on Kitt O’Malley:web: https://www.kittomalley.cominsta: / Balancing Act - Writing Through a Bipolar Life, available on AmazonTo connect with Melissa of The Fully Mindful:https://www.thefullymindful.com15-20 with Melissa to talk about transformative coaching can help you uncover your worth and living a deep, impactful lifeCalendly Link to Book 15-20 with Melissa / Free / No Strings--- Support this podcast: Join the Fully Mindful Community: ✨ Subscribe & Review: If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify—it helps others find the show! ✨ Stay Connected: Follow @the_fully_mindful on Instagram for mindfulness tips, breathwork insights, and more! ✨ Free Breathwork Sessions: Email me at to get signed up for your first session for free of my monthly Unwind Your Mind session.

From "The Fully Mindful with Melissa Chureau"

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