Shark Attacks, Aching Backs, and Biohacks with Kristin Weitzel
Today's episode is going to be a little different from our usual programming and encapsulates an incredible story of travel and adventure! We’ve got Kristin Weitzel, my partner in crime, and the host of the Wellpower Podcast, joining us for another installment of the Biohacking Besties! Kristin and I just got back from a month-long trip to Maui, and it was, suffice it to say, an experience that tested the skills we preach and explore on the PODCAST. We had everything planned out, and it was easy to feel the Volcanoes of Hawaii were at times, "kicking our ASS!" As you will soon hear, the adversity, the financial hardship, and the ferocity of nature were all incredible teachers and gave us an opportunity to sharpen our “life skills. We’re excited to share and reflect on EVERYTHING we experienced in all its magic. Let’s jump in! HIGHLIGHTS [00:00] Introduction to this Biohacking Besties episode [01:44] What Happened on Our Trip to Maui [04:20] The Expectations for the Trip [08:26] Processing the Situation [12:55] Reflecting on the Importance of Rest and Ease and Being Comfortable in Vulnerability [18:54] Understanding Prioritization and Setting Boundaries for Your Self-Care [22:03] On Resetting Your Perspective [25:49] On the Comfort of Honesty With People You’re Close To [27:05] Some of Our Activities: Hot-Tub Hopping, Surfing, Boogie-Boarding, and More [32:21] The Softwave and Flowpresso Treatments [40:31] Kristin’s Takeaway From the Experience: The Power of Being in Nature [43:18] Integrating Wellness Into Your Life [46:07] Rhone Pants and on Minimizing My Wardrobe [47:30] Final Reflections and Closing UPGRADE YOUR WELLNESS Silver Biotics Wound Healing Gel: https://bit.ly/3JnxyDD Code: BEAUTIFULLYBROKEN LightPathLED https://lightpathled.com/?afmc=BEAUTIFULLYBROKEN Code: beautifullybroken STEMREGEN: https://www.stemregen.co/products/stemregen/?afmc=beautifullybroken Code: beautifullybroken Flowpresso 3-in-1 technology: (https://calendly.com/freddiekimmel/flowpresso-one-on-one-discovery) CONNECT WITH FREDDIE Check out my website and store: (http://www.beautifullybroken.world) Instagram: (https://www.instagram.com/beautifullybroken.world/) YouTube: (https://www.youtube.com/@BeautifullyBrokenWorld)
From "The Beautifully Broken Podcast"
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