Jordan Harbinger & Arthur Brooks , The Jordan Harbinger Show

211: Arthur Brooks | How Loving Your Enemies Can Save America

13 Jun 2019 • 99 min • EN
99 min
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Arthur Brooks (@arthurbrooks) is a social scientist, Washington Post columnist, president of the American Enterprise Institute, and author of Love Your Enemies: How Decent People Can Save America from the Culture of Contempt. What We Discuss with Arthur Brooks: Why happiness relies on being mindful of what you have right now instead of comparing yourself to others who have what you want. A disheartening statistic: One in six Americans has stopped talking to a family member or close friend entirely because of politics. How gratitude can be used as an anesthetic for contempt. Why a healthy society elevates authoritative leaders in search of cooperation for the greater good over coercive leaders who bully their way toward short-term results. Why we should commit not to be -- or interact with people who hide behind being -- anonymous on the Internet. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at! Build Your Network with Travis Chappell is a podcast for aspiring professionals who want to grow their inner circle and sharpen their relationships. Listen here! Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

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