The Power of Productivity with Lisa Feldman Barrett PhD & Chris Bailey
The quality of information we intake and the meaningful conversations we have directly equate to how productive and meaningful we consider our lives to be. When we add digital devices into the mix we add distractions that keep us from focusing on the task at hand. The distractions plus the frustration of being unable to focus our attention can lead to stress which wreaks havoc on our bodies. To find out how we can take a much-needed digital detox and focus to make the most out of every moment, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors about their work in the realm of evolved brain function, emotions, and productivity. Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett is a neuroscientist, psychologist, and author who dispels some popular brain myths and discusses the content of her book, Seven and A Half Lessons About the Brain. Chris Bailey has studied stimulation statistics and shares what lies at the core of what it means to be productive and how intention and focus can increase productivity.
From "Harvesting Happiness"
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