Harvesting Happiness
Harvesting Happiness with Lisa Cypers Kamen broadcasts consciously prepared brain food from the beaches of Malibu, California and on-location. HHTR promotes happiness, well-being and global human flourishing with a diverse and proactive collection of the greatest thought leaders and change agents who are devoting their lives to creating a better world in which to live. Each episode focuses on personal-growth, human-interest, self-improvement, healthy lifestyle and positive psycho-social education.
Show episodes
With increasing divorce rates among older adults, many are rediscovering their sexuality and seeking new romantic and sexual experiences. Sex can offer comfort, joy, and a renewed sense of intimacy, regardless of age. It is time to acknowledge the diverse sexual experiences of older adults. Why is this important aspect
The widespread adoption of smartphones over the past two decades has created new avenues for remote influence and manipulation, reducing freedoms many took for granted. The extent of the emotional chaos this causes may only be partially understood. Is it possible to restore equanimity during chaos? For tips on finding
Get Grounded: Peacemaking for Stressed People in a Crazy World with Danny Penman PhD
The fast pace of today’s world can make people feel frantic and disconnected from experiences. It has become too easy to focus on the expectations of others and succumb to fear-based motivations. Do simple tools exist to make us feel grounded and bring us back to peace-of-mind? Or, does everything have to be a struggle
What some people consider minor stressors can trigger and overwhelm those whose biological and psychological makeup is foundationally built upon intergenerational traumas. These are familial events inherited by generations, affecting their descendants like second-hand smoke. Those with intergenerational traumas can be
With the elimination of civics courses in schools and the rise of fear-driven political campaigns, many U.S. citizens may be left in a constant state of anxiety about the nation's direction. This anxiety can lead to impulsive decision-making and focusing on short-term solutions, undermining the pursuit of meaningful, l
The media paints AI as a universal solution,but the spark of human connection,our life force or soul,defies machine replication.As we navigate this new era,the question of human-machine coexistence looms. For a deeper dive into the soul of our social architecture,Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen spea