Dr. Doug Noll: ...keep your cool when dealing with someone who’s upset and out of control
If you find it uncomfortable to deal with difficult people and highly emotional problems, stay tuned! Our guest is distinguished attorney Doug Noll, who has a lot to say about how we can improve our skills in handling such situations. Doug is the co-founder of the award-winning Prison of Peace Project, which teaches long-term inmates in maximum security prisons to be peacemakers and mediators. Doug’s latest book is called, "De-Escalate: How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less". His website is https://dougnoll.com/ Ritual’s clinically-backed Essential For Women 18+ multivitamin has high-quality, traceable key ingredients in clean, bioavailable forms. It’s gentle on an empty stomach with a minty essence that helps make taking your multi-vitamin enjoyable. Our Nobody Told Me listeners! Get 25% off your first month at ritual.com/NTM. Start Ritual or add Essential for Women 18+ to your subscription today. Thinking about starting your own business? Already have one? Shopify is the all-in-one commerce platform that makes it simple for anyone to start, run and grow your own successful business. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping and payments from anywhere. Businesses that sell more, sell on Shopify! Sign up for your one-dollar-per-month trial period at shopify.com/nobody
From "Nobody Told Me!"
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