Danica Patrick & Doug Bopst , Danica Patrick Pretty Intense Podcast

Doug Bopst - How Jail Saved My Life

06 Mar 2025 • 85 min • EN
85 min
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Doug Bopst is an award-winning personal trainer, the author of three books, and the host of the Adversity Advantage Podcast. He's on a crusade to inspire others to overcome adversity and become the best version of themselves. Doug is a former convicted felon and drug addict who spent time in jail for “possession with intent to sell.” While locked in a cell, he kicked addiction, slayed his personal demons, and reinvented himself. Doug has been in recovery since the day he was incarcerated in 2008. Doug has appeared on NBC’s Today Show, Men’s Health, People Magazine, Forbes, Rich Roll’s podcast, Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, The Skinny Confidential Him and Her podcast, The Genius Life and many other media outlets.

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