Danica Patrick & Lewis Howes , Danica Patrick Pretty Intense Podcast

Lewis Howes

24 Oct 2019 • 92 min • EN
92 min
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I had an amazing conversation with Lewis Howes. I met Lewis back when I was promoting my book called "Pretty Intense". I did his show called "School of Greatness". And it honestly was part of what helped push me or encourage me and feel excited about this idea of doing a podcast because I had done a few of them that week. And I was like, "man Podcasts are really fun." And it's really fun to just dive into things in a way that you don't get to do in a five to seven minute interview, which is what I was so used to. So we got to dive even further. We talked for a really long time and we touched on all kinds of things and a lot of it for him had to do with transitions and how he became this very confident, goal oriented, driven human being. But as a kid he was super insecure and even said, “I don't even know why I was born!”  Which is just so much distance between those two things.  So we talked about bridging that gap and how he got to this position of being really confident and working for the success in service as opposed to wanting success and validation as a young man. So please enjoy this fantastic show.

From "Danica Patrick Pretty Intense Podcast"

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