Greg McKeown—Experiencing Burnout? How to Reprioritize!
We tend to equate success with working hard and think anything worth getting is worth working for, no matter the cost. But once we reach the level success we've dreamt about, we’re too burnt out to even enjoy it. Does this resonate with you? If so, pause and listen to today's conversation with Greg McKeown, author of the new book Effortless. Greg will teach you how to prioritize and reframe your priorities to make things easy allowing you to finally focus on what matters most. If you are constantly living inside your last edge of energy, this conversation is the reprogramming you need so can finally stop wearing your burn out as a badge of honor. -- Order Effortless at and listen to Greg's new What's Essential podcast at Start on your path to becoming a Business Made Simple Professional at For only $275 annually you get instant access to all of our online courses, including our signature course How To Grow A Business, plus live coaching events with Donald Miller every month. Take the mystery out of growing your business and go to today!
From "Why That Worked – Presented by"
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