Tracy Otsuka & Jen Lehner , ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka

EP. 195: ADHD, Running an Online Business and Hiring Help with Digital Marketing Strategist, Jen Lehner

28 Sep 2022 • 50 min • EN
50 min
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When I first started this podcast I had so many creative ideas and big ambitions for how to connect with other ADHD women, but actually executing my ideas consistently was a whole different story. Even though I was drowning on my own, I couldn’t imagine hiring someone to help me with the tasks I was struggling with. What if their work wasn’t up to my standards? Could I really afford to do that? Where would I even begin? It wasn’t until digital marketing strategist, Jen Lehner, came along with her brilliant program, Front Row CEO, that I was finally convinced that not only was it possible to hire help, it was a necessity if I wanted to grow my podcast and achieve all my goals. So, I finally caved and hired a virtual assistant, and I haven’t looked back since.    Being ADHD herself, Jen knows how easily all the little tasks can start to snowball on us until we’re left buried under a pile of overwhelm and shame. Getting a virtual assistant completely changed her relationship with her business, her home life, and most importantly, her family, because it allowed her to focus her time and energy on the work she’s brilliant at and take the rest off her plate. Jen now helps others navigate the process of hiring a VA, including how to find quality candidates, what tasks you can delegate to a VA (it’s more than you’d think!), and how to establish and maintain open communication.    If you’re drowning in overwhelm but don’t feel deserving of a virtual assistant or don’t know where to start, I know Jen’s guidance and encouragement in this episode will give you that push you need to take the first step, just like it did for me.  Resources: Instagram: @jen_lehner  160 Tasks you can outsource to a VA:  Front Row CEO program:   Join our Front Row CEO Masterclass:    Affiliate links:  Front Row CEO Masterclass:  VA Task List:  Send a Message: Name | Email Address | Your Message Hello, my brilliant friends! I'm thrilled to announce the launch of Blends, my daily ten-minute audio mix of coaching, mindfulness, affirmations, and more, designed to create positive emotions and regulate our ADHD brains. It's a labor of love, and you can get a whole year of Blends for just $47 at 

From "ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka"

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