Matty Lansdown & Anna Lembke , How To Not Get Sick And Die

Addiction, Binge Eating and Drugs: Why Dopamine Is Ruining Your Life with Dr. Anna Lembke | EP 295

10 Oct 2023 • 44 min • EN
44 min
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What is your drug of choice? Alcohol, anxiety medication, social media, video games, porn, cocaine, erotica novels? That’s right, your drug of choice doesn’t have to be a drug at all but what that entire list does is triggers dopamine to be released in your brain, the pleasure seeking neurotransmitter and that little gremlin is responsible for always wanting more than we know is good for us. So on today’s podcast we get to understand dopamine, it’s impact on our choices and how we can take back our lives from the cycle of pleasure seeking addiction.  On this episode we discussed:What is Dopamine and what does it do for me?The pleasure-pain balance in the brain Why dopamine does not have a stop button How addictive behaviour is fueled by our environment The complex nature of pleasure seeking behaviour Alcoholics anonymous and 12 step programs are amazing toolsThe psychology of willpower Changing your identity will helping changing your addictive behaviour Is it possible to become someone that moderates their intakePhysical movement and stress on the body could be the answer Needing to get comfortable with your uncomfortable emotionsWhy privileged and wealthy nations have the highest rates of anxiety and depressionWhat you can do you reset your dopamine pathways *** Join the Healthy Mum’s Facebook Group >>HERE<< *** Where to find DR. ANNA LEMBKE Dr. Anna's Website -- How to Get in Touch with MATTY LANSDOWN              Healthy Mum’s Facebook Group  Take the 10 Day Emotional Eating Challenge  Send Matty the word ‘PROGRAM’ right here to discuss our programs Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Join our Email List here   -- Intro/Outro track Tropic Love by "Diviners feat. Contacreast"

From "How To Not Get Sick And Die"

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