Tori Gordon & Peter Crone , The Coachable Podcast

119. Dissolve Your Problems and Unlock True Freedom with Peter Crone

11 Oct 2023 • 82 min • EN
82 min
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This week I sat down with one of my greatest mentors - Peter Crone - also known as ‘The Mind Architect’. We walked through what is really happening beneath the problems we face in life. Have you ever lost a loved one? Had a tough breakup? Experienced some sort of trauma? We carry these problems with us throughout our lives, not realizing how trapped we are by them.  In this episode, Peter gives incredible insight into various perspective shifts that allows us to look at our problems with new light. I PROMISE you this is an episode you want to listen to! PETER INSTAGRAM PETER YOUTUBE PETER WEBSITE PETER’S DNA workshop TORI TIKTOK  TORI INSTAGRAM COACHABLE YOUTUBE COACHABLE INSTAGRAM COACHABLE FB COMMUNITY Join My Exclusive Group Coaching Membership - THE HUDDLE Our Sponsor: This week’s episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self! Try out my favorite all-in-one comprehensive supplement, AG1! Go to to receive a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase! My FAVORITE daily accessory (a PERFECT GIFT) - the Komuso Shift Necklace! With Komuso you can breathe easier, think clearer, and live better. Check them out today at and receive 15% off! Take the first step toward a more serene and empowered you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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