Dan Harris & Judson Brewer , 10% Happier with Dan Harris

How to Break Your Anxiety Habit | Judson Brewer (2021)

26 Jan 2022 • 68 min • EN
68 min
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This week, we’re sharing some of the best episodes in our archives about anxiety. Dr. Judson Brewer is a psychiatrist and deep dharma practitioner who argues that anxiety is a habit, and is one that you can unwind. This interview explores: what is anxiety; why Dr. Brewer views anxiety as a habit; how mindfulness can be harnessed to deal with anxiety; and if there is any level of stress or anxiety that is healthy. Dr. Jud Brewer is the Director of Research and Innovation at the Mindfulness Center at Brown University and author of the New York Times Best Seller, Unwinding Anxiety. He has designed a number of apps that use mindfulness to treat addiction and anxiety, including Eat Right Now, Craving to Quit, and Unwinding Anxiety. You can also find Dr. Brewer on the Ten Percent Happier app where he teaches a mindful eating course.   Just a note: This episode is a rerun from March 2021. There are some references that might seem a little out of date, but the content remains relevant. We’re re-launching our ten-day meditation challenge, called the Taming Anxiety Challenge, over on the Ten Percent Happier app. To join the Challenge, just download the Ten Percent Happier app today wherever you get your apps or by visiting tenpercent.com. If you already have the app, just open it up and follow the instructions to join! Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/judson-brewer-repost 

From "10% Happier with Dan Harris"

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