Drew Pinsky

Drew Pinsky, MD

210 Interviews

Drew Pinsky's Interviews

“Mass Formation” – popularized by Mattias Desmet – is not in psychology textbooks. But we see examples of it every day as delusional mobs act like singular, hypnotized units: blindly following authority even when – to outside observers – they are obviously acting like cult members. GET DESMET’S BOOK: https://amzn.to/3U

84 min
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“I say this as the kid of legal immigrants: stand for the rule of law. Use our own military to secure our own border,” writes Vivek Ramaswamy – entrepreneur & former Presidential candidate. “We’re paving the way for another 9/11-scale tragedy,” says Ramaswamy. “Even if only 0.1% of illegal aliens who’ve crossed our bor

66 min
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In a new preprint, researchers studied people who received mRNA vaccines and experienced Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID (PASC) also known as “Long COVID.” They discovered that the spike protein continued to appear in the immune cells of post-vaccine patients long afterward – some for more than 245 days. “These cells bind

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The right to free speech applies even when the speech is offensive to you, and true First Amendment defenders will protect the rights of those who don’t agree with them – even if that means defending both conservative judges and drag shows. The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression has written defenses of a r

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Dave Rubin & Drew Pinsky + Larry Elder 29 Mar 2024 • EN

Patrick Bet-David Shocked by Stephen A. Smith’s Brutal Attack on Dems

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Larry Elder and Dr. Drew Pinsky about Stephen A. Smith telling Patrick Bet-David on the “PDB Podcast” why his Democrat mother would never have voted for the Democrats of today and who he thinks will replace Joe Biden; the recent FBI raids on Sean “Diddy” Combs' homes and creepy

41 min
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Bret Weinstein, host of DarkHorse Podcast, recently visited the US border and was horrified by the conditions – and how easily “male, military age” Middle Eastern and Chinese migrants are entering the USA disguised as refugees. Weinstein says the crisis is only made worse by NGOs that spread false information to desper

87 min
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Podcasts with Drew Pinsky


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