Wes Moss

Wes Moss

35 Interviews

Wes Moss's Interviews

Is your relationship with money holding you back from finding financial success? Many of us have a rocky relationship with money, but if we looked at our capital from a different perspective, this could possibly change our outlook and relationship with money. To aid us in improving our connection with our funds and unc

70 min
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Wes Moss & Adam Carroll 19 Oct 2023 • EN

The Shred Method with Adam Carroll

How do banks calculate the amount due on your monthly mortgage payment? Here’s a hint: it’s not based on an intrinsic desire to benefit you. Banks are in business to make money; you are their compound interest vehicle. In part two of our interview with Adam Carroll, he tells Wes about the Shred Method: a step-by-step g

33 min
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Wes Moss & Adam Carroll 05 Oct 2023 • EN

A Monopoly on Financial Literacy with Adam Carroll: Part 1

Imagine playing Monopoly with actual money. Adam Carroll put $10,000 cash on the board and made his kids roll the dice. He wanted them to learn money's true value before entering the real world. From virtual tokens to Apple Pay to mom and dad’s wallet, kids aren’t often exposed to the concept that there is a literal pr

42 min
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What does your digital footprint say about what you want? Data scientist, author of best-seller "Everybody Lies," and speaker Seth Stephens-Davidowitz sits down with Wes Moss to talk about how data can reveal societal and personal trends in desires, psychology, wealth building, and more. This includes when you become a

66 min
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Medicines help to treat illness within the body, but what if we replaced filling a prescription with filling our bags at the farmer’s market with foods that can heal our bodies from the inside out? Dr. William Li, world-renowned physician, scientist, TED speaker, and author of “Eat To Beat Disease," joins this episode

78 min
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Wes Moss & Dan Buettner 03 Aug 2023 • EN

Unlocking the Lessons of Blue Zones with Dan Buettner

Today on Retire Sooner, Wes Moss revisits one of his favorite interviews from his radio show, Money Matters. He talked about Blue Zones - areas in the world where people live exceptionally long and healthy lives - with renowned explorer, educator, and expert on longevity from National Geographic, Dan Buettner. From die

31 min
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Podcasts with Wes Moss


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