Pia Silva

Pia Silva

15 Interviews

Pia Silva's Interviews

Chris Do is a major name in the industry with a massive following across social media and YouTube. And while we have very different philosophies about scale and how we work with clients, there actually is a lot of overlap between Chris’s methodology and the No BS way.  So we had plenty to talk about during this convers

47 min
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You know you’re great at what you do. You know how to deliver value to your customers. But when it comes to communicating that, you’re struggling. A lot of people suck at communicating to their customers so that they stand out. But there is a method that is as old as humanity, and is ten times more effective than just

48 min
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What are you willing to do to get to what you really want? And how many times are you willing to hit a wall in the process of achieving it? You need clarity about what you want, but you also need to get clear on your expectations for the results of your actions.  If you reach out once and assume not hearing back means

27191815 min
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Growth is challenging because growth requires change. And many of us are stuck in our ways and we don’t even know it. Which is why it can be so helpful to have other people ask you questions that will push you out of your comfort zone. In a coaching program, boot camp or mastermind, you can have someone else force you

62 min
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How’s your messaging?   If you’re struggling with marketing your business and every time you sit down to write copy–any copy–feels like an epic slog because you don’t know what to say, you’ve got a messaging issue.   Everyone wants their marketing to connect with their audience, but if you’re unsure of what to say or n

56 min
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How do you feel about your sales process? How do you want to feel about it? Could it even be something you enjoy?   So many people say they don’t want to be sales-y. They don’t want to be pushy. It doesn’t come naturally, etc. etc. But you do, in fact, need to be selling in order to have a sustainable business.   And y

65 min
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Podcasts with Pia Silva


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