Pete Sena

Pete Sena
12 Interviews

Pete Sena's Interviews

Rather than prescribing advice, my approach is to share perspectives, especially when individuals starting a business seek guidance. I prioritize understanding the deeper motivations behind their entrepreneurial journey, comprehending the business context, strategy, and thought processes. I've learned that people value

33 min
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Join us in this riveting episode as we delve into the dynamic world of marketing, branding, entrepreneurship, design thinking, and the cutting-edge realms of tech, including Web3, AI, and the metaverse. Our special guest is Pete Sena, the Co-Founder of Digital Surgeons, a global innovation and design experience consult

44 min
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Are you ready to amplify your business with AI? This episode has you covered! We"re sitting down with creative entrepreneur, founder of Digital Surgeons, and podcast host, Pete Sena, to discuss how AI and automation aren"t here to replace us, but rather enhance our performance. Pete shares valuable insights on how to h

21 min
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What if you could unlock the secret to creating a unique brand identity that captures the hearts and minds of your audience? Get ready to uncover this and more as we sit down with Pete Sena, a creative entrepreneur, and angel investor, known for his knack for helping challenger brands catapult onto their next level of

70 min
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Pete Sena 14 Aug 2023 • EN

Monday Morning Coffee with Pete Sena

Pete Sena is a creative entrepreneur and visionary business builder, partnering with founders and leaders to drive 10x growth through branding, marketing innovation, and digital-experience design. As the founder of Digital Surgeons, he has spent nearly 20 years designing strategies that unleash growth for brands, from

35 min
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Neil C. Hughes & Pete Sena 29 Dec 2022 • EN

Digital Surgeons Co-Founder Design-Led Entrepreneur, Pete Sena

Pete Sena is a design-led entrepreneur who loves to partner with forward-obsessed founders, entrepreneurs, and business leaders to unlock new possibilities and growth. For nearly 20 years, Pete has built and led cross-functional teams that have delivered many successful multi-channel programs and activations, ranging i

45 min
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Podcasts with Pete Sena


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