Inventive Journey

Updated: 19 Jul 2024 • 667 episodes

The Inventive Journey podcast is a captivating series that delves into the personal and professional stories of startup founders and small business owners. Each episode features an in-depth interview where guests share their unique paths to success, the challenges they overcame, and the pivotal moments that defined their entrepreneurial journeys. Listeners gain valuable insights and inspiration from these real-life experiences, making "Inventive Journey" a must-listen for aspiring entrepreneurs and anyone interested in the dynamic world of startups and small businesses.

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My top advice for anyone is to start building your presence publicly. I recently posted about a business I've launched, and within the first twelve months, we've received inquiries from 127 companies. This success stems from building an audience on LinkedIn over four years before launching. This groundwork helped estab

29 min
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Embrace change and stay adaptable. Learn to pivot in any circumstance and maintain a positive attitude. The journey ahead may be challenging with unexpected twists and turns, but staying positive and persevering is key. Never give up on yourself; believe that things will eventually fall into place.

25 min
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If they were just starting their business, I would advise them to ensure they conducted thorough market research before opening. If they neglected this step, especially in the case of a unique business such as event planning, I would recommend they find a community of peers in the industry. Building such a network can

23 min
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I would emphasize that it's crucial to establish proper practices right from the start, particularly in areas like accounting and finance. Many people encounter significant issues by mixing personal and business funds, not maintaining separate accounts, or failing to set up the appropriate legal structure such as a C C

22 min
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One piece of advice I would offer is to follow your own path. While it's valuable to consider input and advice from others, the key is to adapt that guidance in a way that feels authentic and comfortable to you. Every individual is unique, and that uniqueness is what sets you apart in your business. Strive to be the be

23 min
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The mentorship and network in place are, in my opinion, more crucial than the specific activities within your business. While education, training, and experience can develop other aspects, without the right support network—those who guide, connect, and uplift you—progress stalls. Your intelligence and product brillianc

32 min
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