Joubin Mirzadegan's Interviews
#224 CTO & Co-Owner 37signals, David Heinemeier Hansson: Perfect Flow
Guest: David Heinemeier Hansson, CTO & co-owner of 37signals and creator of Ruby on Rails 37signals CTO David Heinemeier Hansson has organized his life around his passions: Writing, racing sports cars, and coding. “ Why aren't we all doing that?” he wonders. “Why aren't we all trying to optimize our life in such a way
#216 Founder Khan Academy, Sal Khan: Dangerously Curious
Guest: Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy AI is poised to change nearly every business, but few are changing as quickly as education. And Sal Khan, who has spend more than a decade manually creating more than 7,000 educational videos, says that’s a good thing. He’s encouraged Khan Academy to focus on “disrupt[ing] ourse
#215 COO Rippling Matt MacInnis: Learn the Engine
Guest: Matt MacInnis, COO of Rippling One of the most important things a non-founder can do, says Rippling COO Matt MacInnis, is to learn how to operate in the context of the company they’re joining. His CEO, Parker Conrad, “spikes” in certain skill areas, and the rest of the executive team needs to maximize his abilit
#208 CEO & Co-Founder Patreon, Jack Conte: Crowd Surfer
Guest: Jack Conte, CEO & co-founder of Patreon For many YouTube video creators, getting millions of views on your videos may seem like the goal. But when Jack Conte and his wife Nataly Dawn became YouTube stars through their band Pomplamoose, they didn’t automatically find gold at the end of the rainbow. “You check you
Guest: David Risher, CEO of Lyft David Risher can measure his career in phone calls, from the one that introduced him to Jeff Bezos in 1995, to the call from the Lyft board in 2023, asking him to vie for the CEO job. But initially, he believed his life’s legacy might be the nonprofit Worldreader, which has brought book
#160 CEO Grammarly, Rahul Roy-Chowdhury: Better, Not More
Guest: Rahul Roy-Chowdhury, CEO of Grammarly Driven by generative tools like ChatGPT, artificial intelligence is hot — but Grammarly CEO Rahul Roy-Chowdhury wishes that “AI” stood for something else: “Augmented Intelligence.” A longtime Googler and lifelong believer in using technology to make peoples’ lives better at
Podcast with Joubin Mirzadegan
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